About Us

   We both have a passion for design, Tina as an interior designer and Gina as a builder, we've each found a way to bring our passion into our day to day lives. 

Some days are full of creativity and vigor.. other days are completely blank. Blank days are okay, these colorfully right sided brains of ours need a bit of quiet time now and then to really put ideas into motion. Don't worry, the quiet times aren't too long and they are pretty few and far between.. but they do come.

One day the two of us came together in the simplest of ways, Tina asked Gina to be a guest blogger on her design blog Wallflower Diaries and the idea blossomed from there. 

Meet Tina - Visit her blog >> Wallflower Diaries

  Here I am. A 40 year old woman back in school trying to re-invent my life again. Had you asked me at 20 if you thought this is where I'd be at 40 I probably would not have believed you. But, never the less here I am. I feel like Mary starting all over , but without a hat to toss in the air. *Note to ones self:get hat to toss.

Interior Design has all ways been something my Mother and I have done while I was growing up. I think I had hundreds of bedroom styles while I was a child. We would jump into the car on the week-ends on the hunt for the perfect lamp or what have you. So, it seemed like a good fit for me. School has been great so much to learn. So, I thought to myself "new life? new blog"? Why not pass onto all of you some of the fun stuff I'm learning and spare you the pricey tuition costs that I have. So deep breath, get set , get ready because knowing me...this could go astray somewhere.

Meet Gina >> Visit her blog >> A Periwinkle Dream
I am a third generation builder out of Tucson, Arizona. For the past five years I have had the opportunity to learn each trade of construction from digging trenches for concrete footings to finish work like drywall, painting and trim carpentry (the carpentry is not one of my skills but finishing it is..). 
I've had an absolute blast. It's been hard dirty work, back breaking and hand chapping, but an amazing experience that most people don't get in their lifetime.
The part that I love best is design, anything from color combinations to the many different textures throughout a space. I am especially obsessed with detail, it has been totally overlooked in the mass building epidemic in this country. Look at the homes that were built in the 1800's and early 1900's (even earlier).. they are amazing!! The problem today is that building is all about production, just building and building them fast and cheap. There is no more quality, no originality. I aim to change that.

Visit our services page to see how we can help you with your space!

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